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The Magna Carta and Its Lasting Legacy

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This course explores the Magna Carta, a ground-breaking document from 1215 that continues to shape modern legal and political systems. Students will examine its historical context, where King John of England, under pressure from rebellious barons, negotiated the "Great Charter." We’ll investigate its feudal backdrop, conflicts between the king and the Pope, and its eventual reissuance under later monarchs. We’ll trace its influence on global constitutions, including the Australian Constitution and human rights declarations, and examine how its ideas, like trial by jury and “no taxation without representation,” continue to shape democratic societies. Key themes will include the rule of law, people’s rights, and the development of democratic governance. The course will also highlight influential thinkers like Hobbes and Locke, who expanded on the Magna Carta’s principles. By the end of the course, students will understand how the Magna Carta became a symbol of protecting the powerless against the powerful and remains a cornerstone of modern legal and political systems. IN DEVELOPMENT: COURSE OVERVIEW ONLY

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