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Climate Science Controversy: How to Get Expelled From School Inspired by Ian Plimer

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This course critically examines the arguments presented in Ian Plimer’s *How to Get Expelled From School*, which challenges the mainstream scientific consensus on climate change. Students will explore Plimer’s critiques of climate education, including his claims about natural climate variability and geological factors that he argues are often ignored. The course encourages students to engage with contrasting viewpoints on climate science, assess the evidence, and understand the broader debate on environmental policy, scientific discourse, and educational frameworks. Ian Plimer is an Australian geologist, academic, and author known for his skepticism toward human-induced climate change. He is a professor emeritus of Earth Sciences at the University of Melbourne and has worked extensively in mining and geology. Plimer has written several books, including 'Heaven and Earth: Global Warming – The Missing Science', in which he argues against the scientific consensus on climate change, claiming that natural geological processes play a larger role than human activities. IN DEVELOPMENT: COURSE OVERVIEW ONLY

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