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Discovery: Early Encounters with Australia

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Uncover the dramatic early encounters with Australia in this captivating course, tracing exploration from ancient maritime journeys to European discoveries. Begin with the Maori's arrival in New Zealand around 1350. Investigate the Portuguese efforts to map Australia's coastline from their fortified trading post in Timor and the Dutch merchants' treacherous journey across the South Atlantic, which led to shipwrecks along Australia's western coast. Examine the impact of Dutch expeditions, including the 1627 sighting near Adelaide and the notorious Batavia shipwreck of 1629, which revealed the dangerous conditions faced by early explorers. Delve into the significant 1761 transit of Venus and its role in improving navigational techniques. Follow Lieutenant James Cook’s historic voyage aboard the Endeavour, his observations of Tahiti and New Zealand, and his arrival at Botany Bay in 1770. Discover Cook’s mixed impressions of the Australian landscape and his interactions with the Aboriginal people, highlighting the varied responses of Aboriginal communities to European explorers. Explore Cook’s strategic decisions and the eventual establishment of the British colony, considering why Australia was chosen over other potential sites, including New Zealand. IN DEVELOPMENT: COURSE OVERVIEW ONLY

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